Terms & Conditions

Terms & Conditions

All none pay as you go classes are paid monthly in advance on the 1st of the month via subscription only. We do not accept cash or card payments for monthly fees.

If at any point you decide the class is no longer for your child, you need to give one full paid calendars months’ notice.

Once you set up your subscription you are legally agreeing to our terms and conditioning. For subscriptions that are set up late passed the date needed will incur a late fee of £5 each week until subscription set up.

No catch up sessions available if you miss the class for any reason

One FREE taster session for any class available before signing up. Please get in touch now to find out availability and prices for our classes.

British Gymnastic insurance is needed 3 lessons after signing up which is valid September – September


This fee includes our annual club membership and admin fee which is reviewed every year and this may be subject to increase.

Siblings and/or more than one class signed up has a 10% discount applied for subscription classes

For any cancelled sessions due to mother nature’s fault such as weather related (flood, cold, heat, road closures) or council related, these are none refundable or transmittable to another class unless otherwise agreed.

Gymnasts’ Code of Conduct

A Darwin Gymnast must:

  • Show respect to coaches, judges, officials and other gymnasts.
  • Listen to and follow the instructions of his/her coach.
  • Not to go onto equipment before their class.
  • Support and encourage his/her teammates.
  • Always train with a positive attitude.
  • Attempt to do every move with good form.
  • Take care of the Club’s equipment.
  • Take pride in their Club and make sure that they do their part in keeping the gym clean and tidy.
  • If your child brings in a lunch/snack box to the gym due to a long training period, then a balanced diet will be desirable. Gymnast’s food intake prior and during training affects their training efficiency.
  • A gymnast must always drink plenty of fluids during training, i.e. water/squash only.
  • Our coaches wish to maximise coaching time with their group of gymnasts, therefore if you wish to speak to your child’s coach, please do so either before or after the training session.

Parents’ Code of Conduct

  • Ensure that your child wishes to participate in Gymnastics. Encourage your child to participate, do not force them. Focus on your child’s efforts and performance rather than winning or losing. Never punish or belittle a child for poor performance or making mistakes.
  • Encourage your child to learn the Clubs rules and to abide by them.
  • Ensure that your child comes appropriately dressed for their session and brings a full water bottle.
  • In the case of absence, a message should be left with the gym, prior to the start of the training session.
  • Park your vehicle responsibly and only in Darwin spaces.
  • No shoes are to be worn or food to be eaten in on the gym floor/equipment.
  • Ensure your child doesn’t play on any of the equipment before their class or without a coach present.
  • Parents must stay in the waiting area unless permission is granted from the Head coach.
  • No filming or photos to be taken at any point from viewing area you will be asked to delete them and if it continues you will be asked to leave.
  • The viewing area should be left clean and tidy – Please use the bins provided and clean up after yourselves.
  • Children must be supervised at all times.
  • Noise levels must be kept to a minimum in the waiting area whilst a class is in session.
  • Parents should not attempt to communicate with their child during their class except in the case of an emergency.
  • Show an appreciation of volunteers, coaches, officials and administrators.
  • Criticism of other people’s children / coaches can be upsetting to all and is frowned upon by this Centre. Please refrain from this.
  • Never undermine your child’s coach in front of any parents or child and do not talk negatively about any coaches, parents or gymnast in front of your child.
  • Use appropriate language at all times on club’s premises and at events/competitions.
  • Remember that children learn best by example. Set a good example for your child by recognising good sportsmanship and applauding the good performance of all.
  • Respect coaches’ and other officials’ decisions and teach your child to do likewise.
  • If you have any issues regarding your child and you wish to discuss them directly with the appropriate coach, you can speak to them briefly before the start of their session, via e-mail or arrange a longer chat at a time that is convenient for the coach and that doesn’t take them away from a scheduled training session.
  • Concerns and complaints about any aspect of the Club should be raised via e-mail and through the appropriate channels. (For policies see Clubs website)
  • Always collect your child promptly at the end of the session and remind them that they must wait in the building until collected.
  • Please update any contact/medical details if they change (by your online profile at class4kids)
  • Please use the Club’s notice board, website, Facebook and e-mails to keep up to date with notices and Darwin Gymnastics and Dance information.
  • Please pay fees promptly.
  • We only refund if the class is cancelled by ourselves. In unforeseen circumstances that are out of control refunds will not be given.

Gymnasts/Parents Guidelines

  • Hair must be neatly tied up, out of the gymnast’s face
  • Gymnasts should wear a leotard or T-shirt and shorts (1st few weeks only)
  • No jewelry whatsoever, including ear studs or body piercing adornments to be worn at any time during training or competition. This constitutes a safety hazard and BG Gymnastics and their Insurers have made it a no-tolerance policy.
  • If your child is expected to be away longer than 2 weeks, please let the gym know by email if possible.
  • Gymnasts should arrive a few minutes before the start of training. It is particularly upsetting for the younger children to arrive after all the others have started. All gymnasts should attend and take part in the warm up. It is an essential part of the training that helps the prevention of injury.
  • Please do not drop off your own, or other children, early to watch the classes unattended. The Gym Club cannot be responsible for these children until their coach is ready to take the session.
  • Please ensure you are punctual collecting your children and remind them that they must wait in the building until collected.
  • Please advise the Gym Club of any change of circumstances, i.e. medical, change of address and particularly Mobile Phone No’s.
  • Our coaches wish to maximise coaching time within the gym, therefore if you wish to speak to us about anything to do with the classes, please either speak to Dawn if she is not busy or drop us an email.